Oma riista -observations to the 4th bird atlas
This data set includes observations of game birds and unprotected birds from the Oma riista service from timespans 1.2.–31.8.2022 ja 1.2.–31.8.2023. All locations of the observations have been coarsened to the bird atlas grid (Finland Uniform Coordinate System, EPSG:2393). Based on the type, location, date and individual features, an index of nesting probability has been added to each observation, according to the instructions released by the Finnish Museum of Natural History. The data set has been taken out from the Oma riista service 19.9.2023.
Aineistosta vastaava taho
Aineiston päivitys
Aineiston ajallinen kattavuus 2022-2023
Aineiston historiatiedot
Aineiston metatiedot
Metatiedoista vastaa:
Suomen Lajitietokeskus
Metatiedot päivitetty 1.2.2024
Aineiston tyyppi: dataset