Practical fungi – complete lists
Complete checklist of certain Finnish fungi. The list includes edible, poisonous, visible and otherwise noteworthy taxa. The focus group is mushroom hunters and enthusiasts.
The records include complete checklists of observer trips. Observers mark down each species or taxon they have observed. The data is presence-absence or, optionally, presence-absence with abundance data.Observations must include location, date and time data.
Checklists should be considered to show real absences.
The data includes includes taxon aggregates.
Aineistosta vastaava taho
Aineiston päivitys
Aineiston ajallinen kattavuus 1900 -
Aineiston historiatiedot
Aineiston metatiedot
Metatiedoista vastaa:
Suomen Lajitietokeskus
Metatiedot päivitetty 18.6.2024
Aineiston tyyppi: dataset