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eBird Observational Dataset (EOD) accessed though GBIF. The EOD contains basic occurrence data including species, date, and location. Additional metadata associated with these observations, including sampling event data (such as effort), are not included. Observer names have been anonymized.

eBird publishes a new version of the data once per 1-2 years.

More information: https://ebird.org/science/download-ebird-data-products

Aineistosta vastaava taho


Aineiston päivitys

Aineiston ajallinen kattavuus1800-

Aineiston historiatiedot


Aineiston metatiedot

Metatiedoista vastaa:

Suomen Lajitietokeskus

Metatiedot päivitetty 19.6.2024

Alkuperäinen metatiedon lähde

Aineiston tyyppi: dataset