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Total 520 data sets.

Ylä-Lappi, tunturiluontotyyppien alue

Digitoitu alue, jonka sisällä olevat kuviot ovat ovat potentiaalisesti tunturiluontotyypejä. Aineisto muodostettiin laajentamalla nykyistä tunturimaskia (https://ckan.ymparisto.fi/dataset/tunturialueet) 200 metriä ulospäin. Lisäksi on digitoitu erillisiä alueita, joiden sisällä tunturiluontotyypit ovat mahdollisia. Saarekkeet ...

Kaukokartoitus, Paikkatietoaineistot, Satelliitti- ja ilmakuvat Luontotyypit, Tunturit Viimeisin päivitys: 12.02.2024

ZMAA Aves collections of Åbo Akademi

Aves collections (including eggs) of Åbo Akademi located at the Zoological Museum of the University of Turku

Kokoelma Lajit Viimeisin päivitys: 15.09.2023

ZMAA Coleoptera collection of Åbo Akademi

Coleoptara collection of Åbo Akademi University located at the Zoological Museum of the University of Turku

Viimeisin päivitys: 15.09.2023

ZMAA Diptera collection of Åbo Akademi

Diptera collection of Åbo Akademi University located at the Zoological Museum of the University of Turku

Viimeisin päivitys: 15.09.2023

ZMAA Heteroptera collection of Åbo Akademi

Heteroptera collection of Åbo Akademi University located at the Zoological Museum of the University of Turku

Viimeisin päivitys: 15.09.2023

ZMAA Hymenoptera collection of Åbo Akademi

Hymenoptera collection of Åbo Akademi University located at the Zoological Museum of the University of Turku

Viimeisin päivitys: 15.09.2023

ZMAA Insect collections of Åbo Akademi

Insect collections of Åbo Akademi located at the Zoological Museum of the University of Turku

Kokoelma Lajit Viimeisin päivitys: 15.09.2023

ZMAA Lepidoptera collection of Åbo Akademi

Lepidoptera collection of Åbo Akademi University located at the Zoological Museum of the University of Turku

Viimeisin päivitys: 15.09.2023

ZMAA Mecoptera collection of Åbo Akademi

Mecoptera collection of Åbo Akademi University located at the Zoological Museum of the University of Turku

Viimeisin päivitys: 15.09.2023

ZMAA Neuroptera collection of Åbo Akademi

Neuroptera collection of Åbo Akademi University located at the Zoological Museum of the University of Turku

Viimeisin päivitys: 15.09.2023

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For more information about the data search, you can visit the “About the data search” page. Here, you’ll find details about the principles, functionalities, and coverage of the dataset search.

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We are continuously improving the coverage of our data search. Does your organization have datasets that we could add to the data search? Would you like to suggest a data source that is currently missing? Get in touch with us!