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Total 499 data sets.

ZMUT Myriapoda collections of Turku University

Myriapod collections of the Zoological Museum of the University of Turku

Viimeisin päivitys: 15.09.2023

ZMUT Opiliones collections of Turku University

Opiliones collections of the Zoological Museum of the University of Turku

Viimeisin päivitys: 15.09.2023

ZMUT Oribatida collections of Turku University

ZMUT Oribatida collection

Viimeisin päivitys: 03.01.2024

ZMUT Pseudoscorpionida collections of Turku University

Pseudoscorpion collections of the Zoological Museum of the University of Turku

Viimeisin päivitys: 15.09.2023

ZMUT Reptilia collections of Turku University

Reptilia collections of the Zoological Museum, University of Turku

Viimeisin päivitys: 15.09.2023

ZMUT Type specimen collections of Turku University

Type specimen collections of the Zoological Museum of the University of Turku

Viimeisin päivitys: 15.09.2023

ZMUT Vertebrata collections of Turku University

Vertebrate collections of the Zoological Museum of the University of Turku

Viimeisin päivitys: 15.09.2023

Zoobenthos database

The national benthic animal information system includes benthic data from inland and coastal waters produced by aquatic authorities and publicly controlled aquatic research institutes for benthic animal monitoring and surveillance. ...

Viimeisin päivitys: 11.03.2022

Zoological observations of Turku University and Åbo Akademi

Observational data at Turku University and Åbo Akademi

Viimeisin päivitys: 15.09.2023

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