Data search
With the data search, you have access to nature datasets from several organizations in Finland: the Finnish Environment Institute, the Finnish Biodiversity Information Facility, and the Natural Resources Institute Finland.
This search tool offers metadata of the datasets and enables you to locate their sources. Please note that some features of the search tool and the data it retrieves are currently only available in Finnish. Stay tuned for updates on the coverage and functionalities of the data search.
Total 499 data sets.
Historical Landsat image index mosaics (Hind) – Historialliset Landsat-kuvaindeksimosaiikit (Hind) The image index mosaics called Hind are computed from images acquired using Landsat-4 and -5 satellites. These mosaics are computed ...
Historical Landsat mosaics Href are derived from data provided by Thematic Mapper-instrument onboard Landsat-4 and -5 satellites. Satellite images have been downloaded from archives of USGS and ESA. The value ...
HUB BIOTOOPPILUOKITUS Karttatasossa on muunnettu Velmu-hankkeen sukellus ja videointiaineisto vuosilta 2004–2017 HELCOM HUB –biotooppiluokituksen mukaisiksi luokiksi. Luokitus helpottaa jäsentämään inventointiaineiston suurta tietomäärää ja sitä voidaan käyttää merialuesuunnittelun tukena. Luokituksen avulla ...
Hymenoptera of Finland and Russian Fennoscandia
Hymenoptera Expert group database
Systematically organised collection of Finnish insects
Ihmispaineiden ilmakuvakartoitus Suomen ja Ahvenanmaan rannikon merialueilla Aineisto on Manner-Suomen osalta Metsähallituksen tuottama ja Ahvenanmaan osalta Suomen ympäristökeskuksen Syken ja Ahvenanmaan maakuntahallituksen tuottama ilmakuvakartoitukseen perustuva pisteaineisto ihmispaineista merellä. Kartoitetun ihmistoiminnan ...
Riista- ja Kalatalouden tutkimuslaitoksen Ilomantsin riistantutkimusaseman toiminta-aikana karttuneita suurpetoja (karhu, ahma, ilves, susi) koskevia havaintotietoja, jotka eivät sisälly suurpetojen näyteaineistoon.
iNaturalist Finland is a nature observation system that is open for everyone. This collection contains iNaturalist observations from Finland, which are copied to FinBIF data warehouse usually few times per ...
Some thousands of specimens.
More information on the data search
For more information about the data search, you can visit the “About the data search” page. Here, you’ll find details about the principles, functionalities, and coverage of the dataset search.
Adding datasets to the Finnish Nature Information Hub’s data search
We are continuously improving the coverage of our data search. Does your organization have datasets that we could add to the data search? Would you like to suggest a data source that is currently missing? Get in touch with us!